Exodus at The Admiral in Omaha, Ne on February 13th, 2023
Review by The Pit Magazine contributor, Winsel Photography
MAN!! First concert coverage in nearly six months and I drew Exodus!! EXODUS!! A thrash metal band that has been around since 1979, well before Metallica was, you know, Metallica. In fact, Kirk Hammet was in the band and had joined Metallica before “Bonded by Blood” was released in 1985.
Exodus is a band that I have always considered one of the big four thrash metal bands along with Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer. Some may argue this and you are entitled to that. But since I may never cover Metallica in my lifetime I am going to hang Exodus on my thrash wall along with the other three bands. I will put that on my “Blacklist“.
This show could not have taken place in a better venue either, the old Sokol Auditorium in South Omaha has been transformed into the beautiful new Admiral Theater. The Exodus set started, quite unexpectedly, about 10-15 minutes earlier than what was on my sheet. I am not going to bitch about that because I got that much more time to see them for the first time. Time well worth it. They have great energy for a band of guys that have been thrashing for over three decades!
It was hard, as a photographer, to keep pace with where everyone was on the stage, despite being backlined by two other bands on the tour. They managed to get around and thrash just as hard as if they had a full stage to work with. Let me tell you, this capacity crowd dug the thrash vibe that they were putting out. Cramped and yet still raging with out of control guitars with Lee Altus (guitar), Gary Holt (guitar), and Jack Gibson (bass). Of course we can’t forget those thrashing drums being smashed by drummer Tom Hunting. It didn’t seem like Steve Souza’s voice has aged a minute in 30+ years.
Exodus is out touring with Black Label Society and Anthrax (those galleries and reviews will be coming soon!) and they were an excellent launching point for the night. This was my first time seeing Exodus and my third spending some time with Gary Holt who I had seen twice with Slayer. They are out touring with their record “Persona Non Grata” which was released unto the world in 2021. You can purchase the record HERE!
My Three Songs
The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)
A Lesson in Violence
Blood In, Blood Out
Although, I hung out up front for “Blacklist” and then later in their set with “Bonded in Blood“
Overall, Exodus gave us a longer set than scheduled. I didn’t think their catalog was this deep, but they played long and hard as f**k for just over an hour. I am glad that this was my first show since September 2022. I would not trade this memory in for a carton of Marlboro Reds, or anything for that matter. Great Freaking set. I hope I get to see them again.
Find EXODUS: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Spotify | The World Wide Web

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska. ©2023.
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